Sunday, March 16, 2014


Its true.
Its true in the sense that, the more you know other people and see what is in them, the more appreciation that you could give to your loved one. My god, how I appreciate you more and more right now.

I was not wrong about you.
I was right with my decision,
On the 18th June 2011.
When I said to you,
of my feelings and confession,
On the 18th June 2011

I've been having a rough time dealing with mixed emotions regarding my problems.
If I cant tell you about my problems, I certainly cant tell anyone else.
I wish I could tell you what is going on with me, why am I so sad and depressed.
I wish you would know what I am going through and help me deal with it.
It is hard for me to tell you all about it. 
It is killing me on the inside.
It is easier to appear happy in front of everyone.
The indecision to call you.
I really need you.
This is one of those moments when silence is louder than words.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

A New Approach

Hello Friends and loved ones.

Somehow I have decided to make few changes around here. 
Deleted my two older blogspots, which is the si pemakai kain pelekat and nelayan berparut. 
Yes yes, nobody noticed it except one. Hahaha but its alright, lets have fun with this one ey?

But before that, I am pretty sure that you still think I owe you an explanation of why the hell I deleted my blog kan. Well, I will someday definitely let you know why. Plus, its not really deleted, it is just stashed away from public's view. Except me lah kan. And you -__- 

Right, lets begin shall we?
I am pretty sure you are still gathering your strength kan? Hahaha if you're not and you've gathered your strength to stand on your own, then I am happy for you. Hopefully with this approach, you'll be able to depend on your family and friends like you're supposed to right now. It is not my time yet :)

Bloody hell, its been hard for me you know. I have been so used to have you near me whenever I needed you that I am actually the one who's struggling with this new approach. But I am pretty sure I will be able to stand on my own as well. 

The unifying of two hearts huh?

Only when the methods are right. 

Okay, I will continue this post tomorrow yea :)

Good night everyone.
Lotsa love from me.